Begin the Journey Now
to Create a Life You Love
Stressed. Anxious. Depressed. Sad.
Feeling your life’s circumstances are completely out of your control.
On the occasion when you get motivated to do something about your situation, you are met with a wall. That wall diminishes your resolve to move forward.
Do not lose hope! Recognize that you can heal and discover the “you” that you were always meant to be.
Self-Discovery Essential for Positive Movement
There are always choices.
A choice to stay exactly as you are; dreading the day; dreading the night. Finding no joy with your family and friends.
A choice to step out and learn how to help yourself.
Do you really want to stay sad and stressed?

Your life is in your hands.
Make the choice to courageously, honestly, and compassionately discover yourself. Discover the underlying challenges that are holding you back from experiencing freedom from trauma, anxiety, depression and other difficult issues in your life.
Peace and balance can absolutely be restored and maintained as you move toward ownership and acceptance of yourself. You will also come to acceptance of your past life choices while you learn to create new life choices you prefer.
This journey will be the beginning of learning to thrive and not just survive.
Education and Practical Tools
You will walk away from the first session with practical tools that will begin helping you to find comfort and relief from your distress and discomfort.
Throughout your journey, you will be given a myriad of tools, coping skills, and practices along with a great deal of education to assist you in being as effective in your life as you can be in reaching your maximum potential.
The Road Back
Therapy is a valuable and worthwhile process that requires a great deal of investment and hard work. It will also require a commitment to yourself and the interventions and practices used to help you heal.
While parts of it can give relief right away, it can also require patience with more difficult, traumatic events that have been stuck within you for a long time. Having said that, the road back can be an amazing adventure that transforms your life, relationships, and your overall sense of well-being.

Now is the time to invest in
yourself and begin the journey
to health and well-being!
I can absolutely help!
Please call me at (801) 597-7673
or complete the contact form below.
Hi, I’m Nicole
When the storms of life hit, a person can feel a lot like a ship tossed about with no anchor to ground itself.
Earlier in my life, I was that ship and had to work to right myself – so I could experience success, joy, and effectiveness. As a result, I have learned a great deal and can help you get to the root of your issue so that healing, balance, centeredness, and effectiveness can take place.
A lot of my ability comes from life experience, strong intuition, and excellent training in different modalities that used together enable long-lasting and, most often, permanent change.
I teach people to step into what holds them back (even in the face of fear) rather than avoiding it which often prolongs the agony. I consider myself a healer and a teacher in addition to being a therapist.

Call (801) 597-7673 or
complete the contact form below.
Begin the journey today!When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
~Viktor Frankl